Stay Informed and Find Value!

In a time of rising interest rates and high inflation, finding value and staying informed is more important than ever! At Value Spotting, we seek to provide Australian consumers and small-to-medium businesses (SMBs) with practical information and tips on finding value, saving money, and better understanding the goods and services they buy.

Value Spotting is an unashamed supporter of Australian SMBs that pride themselves on adding value. SMBs can’t always match the pricing of major corporations and multinationals, but they’re often in a better position to add value. Examples of value-add include after-hours attendance, personalised service, flexible pricing, and specialist knowledge.

Benefits of Dealing with Small and Medium Business in Australia

  • You're more likely to get access to specialised advice.

  • Small and medium businesses often provide a more flexible and personalised service.

  • You’re more likely to be dealing with a business that can “think outside the square” and add value.

  • In most cases, you’re keeping money in the Australian economy – protecting local jobs and Australia’s economic future in the process.

  • You’re embracing the Australian ethos of giving someone local a “fair go.”

  • A vibrant small and medium business (SMB) sector reduces the likelihood of corporate monopolies forming.

Facts about Small and Medium Business in Australia

Small and medium business (SMB) contributes significantly to Australia's economy and way of life.

  • Australia has over 2.2 million small businesses (0-19 staff) – responsible for 34% of gross domestic profit (GDP).

  • Small business employs 44% of all workers in Australia.

  • Australia has 50,338 medium businesses (20-199 staff) – responsible for 22% of gross domestic profit (GDP).

  • Medium business employs 24% of all workers in Australia.

In addition to small and medium businesses, Australia has many “nano” businesses (those with less than $75,000 in annual revenue and no GST activity).

Note: the statistics above have been sourced from the “Small Business Counts” report, released by the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (July 2019).

In the words of Kate Carnell AO (former Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman), “Australia is a nation of small businesses – the engine room of the economy.”

Terms of Use Agreement

REM Communications Pty Ltd is the owner and operator of this website (“Value Spotting”). “Value Spotting” is a directory service that relies on information provided by unrelated third parties, such as advertisers, participating businesses, and Internet sources. All reasonable steps are taken to verify the accuracy of this information.

As a user of this website (or visitor), you agree to indemnify REM Communications Pty Ltd against any losses, liabilities, damages, or other claims that may arise from the direct or indirect use of the information on this website. The use of this website is governed by the laws of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). 

REM Communications Pty Ltd advises all users of this website to perform their own due diligence in regard to the information and general advice provided on this website.